Lions International: For over 100 years, Lions have served with uncommon kindness, putting the needs of our neighbors, our communities and our world first. Through the incredible work of our Lion and Leo members, and the support of our association and our global foundation, we are serving a world in need together.
The Association of Lions Clubs was established in 1917 in Chicago, Illinois, by Melvin Jones, a Chicago business leader and a Freemason. The Association went international in 1920 when Border Cities Lions Clubs in Windsor, Canada, was established. The name of Lions Clubs International has been used since then. It subsequently evolved as an international service organization under the guidance and supervision of its secretary, Melvin Jones.
In 1917, Jones was a 38-year-old Chicago business leader who told members of his local business club they should reach beyond business issues and address the betterment of their communities and the world. Jones' group, the Business Circle of Chicago, agreed. After contacting similar groups around the United States, an organizational meeting was held on June 7, 1917 in Chicago.
District 317F: Smile has a magical power to touch the hearts, dissolve differences and win friends. Smile is the language of understanding and kindness. The district logo is designed with a center line Serve with Smile representing the insight of sincerity, confidence and trust with which we need to serve our community.
Our Club: The Lions Club of Doddaballapura RL Jalappa Institutions (LCDRLJI), a part of Lions International was started in the year 2021 with Lion Srinivas M R a person of par excellence as its Charter President in the name of a great visionary Sri R L Jalappa Ji with a sole motto to serve the needy. Being his younger son Lion Sri J Rajendra, Vice - Chairman, Sri Devaraj Urs Educational Trust, Kolar being Chief Promoter of the Club. Now the Club comprises a team of 100 Lions headed by Lion Rakesh J R a young, distinguished and dynamic President. We work on different issues focusing on health, environment, education, youth empowerment and so on. We stand as Best Club of the Lions International, District 317F successively from the last 3 Lionistic years i.e since inception of the Club. Our Club is registered as specialty Club for Diabetes.
Mission: Together we can improve and sustain the lives by caring the communities around us.
Vision: To cater the contemporary civic and humanitarian needs promoting welfare of the community.
Our Outreach:
Our services are in line with International motto is We Serve, which means selfless service to others in need in our local communities. The word We is inclusive, which includes transparency relative to gender, religion, ethnicity, politics or nationality. The areas of our concern include diabetes awareness, vision, hunger, youth, health, education, environment and childhood cancer.
Our Achievements: We have successfully completed three Lionistic years rendering our services in the needy areas. We think globally but act locally in terms of quality and concern of our services. The Club has been recognized as Best Club successively for 3 Lionistic years. Apart from being the Best Club we received numerous awards and recognitions from the District, Multiple and International for the various attainments. It is a matter of pride to share that our Club has created the World Record in the implementation of Lions Quest program.